دورة تدريبية للتعريف بقانون الخدمة المدنية للعاملين فى أسوان

A training course to introduce the civil service law for workers in Aswan

The activities of the training course to introduce the Civil Service Law and institutional development were launched in the hall of the Administrative Training Center in the Directorate of Organization and Administration under the patronage of the Governor of Aswan, and under the supervision of the Director of the Directorate of Organization and Administration, Suheir Makki, and also the Director of the Training Department, Mustafa Hafez.

This is within the framework of the Egyptian state’s keenness to develop the skills of employees in the administrative apparatus in implementation of the directives of President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, and in line with the National Strategy 2020/2030, and based on the instructions of Major General Ashraf Attia, Governor of Aswan, to highlight the role of institutional development and prepare cadres and leaders in the administrative apparatus in the governorate, based on the role assigned to It has directorates of organization and administration.

For her part, Suhair Makki explained in a “media statement” that the training course aimed to train 38 workers in the Directorate of Agriculture, through Muhammad Abdullah, senior civil service researcher and director of the Citizen Service Department in the directorate, explaining Civil Service Law No. 81 of 2016 to introduce the differences in jobs. Leadership and supervisory leadership, pointing out that the training course will last for 4 days as part of a series of training sessions scheduled to be held during the coming days for all employees of government departments in the governorate in order to develop the administrative work climate and hone, develop and improve administrative and technical skills to the fullest extent.

On the other hand, in a humanitarian gesture from Major General Ashraf Attia, Governor of Aswan, to continue providing all aspects of support and assistance to the families of the victims of the drowning accident of a group of young people while they were boarding a felucca near the Abu Hor village marina in the Nasr Al-Nuba Center last March.

Major General Ashraf Attia granted 4 of the victims’ families Umrah trips by handing them passports and visas to perform the Umrah of the Prophet’s birthday in the Holy Lands of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia this September. The gift was from the Jaafari Ahmadiyya Muhammadiyah order in Aswan, in the presence of Muhammad Suleiman Hassan, the order’s agent, and Muhammad Youssef, director of the Directorate. Social solidarity in Aswan.

Mohamed Youssef, Director of the Social Solidarity Directorate in Aswan, said in “press statements” that based on the instructions of Major General Ashraf Attia, Governor of Aswan, all governmental and societal capabilities have been harnessed to provide full support to the families of the victims of the drowning accident.

Muhammad Youssef, Director of the Social Solidarity Directorate in Aswan, pointed out that this resulted in the Jaafari Order providing all aspects of support, as it bore the expenses of travel, accommodation, subsistence, and transportation, with a total amount of 140 thousand pounds. The travel will take place this September, and the return will take place after 14 days.

Major General Ashraf Attia, Governor of Aswan, assigned Dr. Ghada Abu Zeid, Deputy Governor, to chair the meeting of investors in the industrial zone in Al-Alaqi to discuss any obstacles or future needs to serve the owners of multi-activity workshops and factories, in the presence of Dr. Hassan Al-Shaqti, the economic advisor to the governorate, and Mohamed Abdel Qader, director of the industrial zone.

During the meeting, Dr. Ghada Abu Zeid explained that the Governor of Aswan gave his directives for the Drinking Water and Sanitation Company to carry out maintenance and disinfection work for the sewage networks in the region, as well as the Aswan/Al-Alaqi road, in the presence of factory and industrial zone owners and representatives of various sectors, where a PLC panel will be designed and used to raise And reducing the effort, which contributes to developing a radical solution to confront any problems of water cuts, as an amount of 2 million pounds has been allocated to supply the pumps and their motors next week.

Dr. Ghada Abu Zeid, Deputy Governor of Aswan, pointed out that the main valve at the entrance to Gate No. (2) next to the lift station with the incoming system will be operated as a temporary solution, until the work of the panels (PLC) is completed, and this meeting is scheduled to be held periodically on a monthly basis to raise any obstacles. And work to remove it as soon as possible.