Directorate's Specialties

The Central Organization for Organization and Administration aims to reform government administration systems, achieve the goals of administrative reform, develop the level of civil service, raise the efficiency of performance in various units of the state’s administrative apparatus, achieve justice among employees, and ensure the extent to which government agencies implement their responsibilities. The agency may take the necessary measures to exercise the powers specifically stated in Articles 7, 6, and 5 of Law No. (118) of 1964 establishing the Central Agency for Organization and Administration.

In particular, the agency undertakes the following tasks:

1- Proposing laws, decisions and regulations related to civilian workers in the state and expressing an opinion on projects related to their affairs before they are approved, including supervising the implementation of those special laws, decisions and regulations and issuing technical instructions and bulletins organizing their implementation.

2- Developing civil service affairs systems to achieve unity of treatment while providing the necessary technical assistance to personnel affairs departments when carrying out their work, conducting technical inspection of the work of those departments and sending reports of the inspection results to the heads of these agencies.

3- Study and determine the needs of various administrative units for workers in various professions and specializations based on the proposal of the competent authorities, and develop systems for selecting and distributing workers to fill positions on the basis of suitability and equal opportunities, and adhering to the rules established for appointment to public positions in order to achieve justice and transparency.

4- Proposing a policy for salaries, bonuses, allowances, bonuses, compensation, and health and social care programs, and developing systems for implementing the system of arranging and evaluating jobs, recording their descriptions, publishing them, and keeping them in records.

5- Study and review draft wage budgets with regard to employee approvals, numbers of jobs and their levels, determine their grades, approve them in light of the needs of the competent authorities, and refer them to the Ministry of Finance.

6 - Drawing up policy and plans for training employees in administrative training in the fields of organization and administration, raising their level of competence, supervising the work of worker training centers, assisting worker training units, and technical inspection of their work, while organizing general training courses and participating in developing mission programs for workers in the fields of organization and administration.

7- Maintaining records and data on employees at leadership levels, developing a system for job statistics, developing administrative information systems, and recording data on employees of the state’s administrative apparatus.

8- Participating in mobilizing the war effort at the level of various administrative units in quantity and quality, and planning for their mobilization in times of emergency.

9- Drawing up an administrative reform policy and developing implementation plans and programs to achieve an improvement in the level of leadership and administrative efficiency and to raise the level of performance efficiency in general.

10- Reviewing projects for establishing new agencies as well as organizational structures, studying proposals for reorganization or amending the competencies of existing agencies before they are approved by the competent authority, expressing an opinion on the regulations related to the conduct and organization of work, while expressing technical opinion and providing assistance in organizing processes, simplifying procedures, developing the level of performance of government services, and improving Systems, methods and means of work.

11- Establishing systems for inspection, performance evaluation and follow-up to ensure the safety and efficiency of workers’ performance.

12- The agency has the right to communicate directly with various bodies at all levels and request the data and statistics necessary to carry out its duties. It also has the right to contact local and international scientific bodies that engage in similar activities to benefit from their experiences and expertise after the approval of the competent authority.